Candy Hattingh
Director of Incubate Galveston Initiatives
What is Incubate Galveston?
Incubate Galveston is a collaborative model backed by Galveston’s pillars of entrepreneurship, technology, innovation, and business. The initiative’s mission is to accelerate the journey of an entrepreneur by providing awareness of and equitable access to opportunities to connect and collaborate across the Galveston-Houston region.
Vision Galveston is excited to offer MORTAR Galveston, a 15-week course aimed at helping both existing and aspiring entrepreneurs build a comprehensive business canvas and learn the nuances of business management; The goal being to launch businesses that create jobs and circulate dollars locally. Applications for the fall cohort are live! For more information, CLICK HERE.
Equitable Access to Entrepreneurial and Innovation-Related Opportunities
Incubate Galveston provides a powerful approach to accelerating economic opportunities for next-gen entrepreneurs, engaging the business community while promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, respect, and collaboration.
At its core, Incubate Galveston’s collaborative focuses on building and enhancing relationships across multiple actors and sectors focused on innovation as a tool for prosperity creation on the island. The initiative also sources and showcases Galveston’s talent in ways that generate a sense of pride in the island’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, talent pipeline, resources, and community.
Physical and online workshops, networking events, and competitions strengthen Galveston’s economic resiliency and competitiveness. In addition, these actions help to illuminate and amplify entrepreneurial, technological, and innovation-related opportunities for all stakeholders on the island—bolstering, attracting, and retaining individual talent and businesses.
Incubate Events
MORTAR Galveston Fall Entrepreneurship Academy August 21-December 4, 2024 a fifteen-week course designed for those who are starting or growing their businesses. Applications for this cohort are now closed, HOWEVER applications for SPRING are open!
For more information Click Here.
ARTREPRENEURSHIP November 14, 2024 LIT AND THE CITY part of an ongoing series of events, November’s panel and mingle invites writers who make and want to make money creating.
Join us as we convene creatives of all kinds and other writers for the mix, mingle and panel to get together and see what is needed to make magic together in Galveston
More info to come.
CLICK below for free resources to get your show on the road!
OTHER Helpful Links for small business owners and entrepreneurs: