Actionable Data

Data matters. It’s not glamorous, but it matters. 

Data and human-centered design contribute to Vision Galveston’s intent to become a more vibrant and equitable region.

Measure Galveston delivers science-driven data and human-centered intelligence that addresses policy and strategy challenges, helping us as well as our stakeholders qualify and quantify the island’s overall health and resiliency—information that provides insights to guide and support overall decision-making.

Whether data one-sheets for Galveston elected officials on housing challenges or a summary of metrics examining island workforce commuter rates, data is necessary to drive informed and collaborative actions across all sectors.


The Data

Throughout Vision Galveston’s start-up phase, consistent, quantified data sets illuminated the island’s challenges and helped measure our initiatives’ specific impact. As a result, our methodology of combining resident feedback and numerical data sets became a standard of excellence on the island and within the region.

And to invest in urban resiliency and affect change, Vision Galveston must be crystal clear about its course of action—and information is power.

Vision Galveston takes a science-driven, commonsensical approach to solving problems, getting crystal-clear about where the island and its residents want to go, what they want to achieve, and why.

The Measure galveston report

The first Measure Galveston report was published in 2021, identifying metrics in key categories to chart progress towards community goals. Measure Galveston chose datasets representative of quality-of-life factors that can make Galveston special. These areas include housing, the environment, civic engagement, education, economic opportunity, transportation, arts and culture, health and healthcare, and community safety and justice.

Summary Dashboards

Comprehensive Summary Dashboard