Measure Galveston Report

Before you start a journey, you have to figure out where you are and where you want to go. As the City of Galveston looks ahead to the next 20 years and decides its priorities and goals, Vision Galveston has brought together a “master dataset” of key metrics that can help us understand where things stand today, set goals for the future, and track our progress in the months and years ahead. Measure Galveston is designed to be a community data tool that follows the most essential indicators of community well-being and allows everyone to be on the same page. 


Measure Galveston : The Approach 

Multi year initiative:

Measure Infographic-01.png

Table of Contents

The full report displays data from 10 important categories that help tell a full story of our city.

The full report is organized and color-coded by topic area, e.g., Housing in red. Under each section, we have visualized up to eight different metrics that capture the important aspects of the topic area. We have also prioritized data points that can easily and readily tracked over time.