The Build Galveston Board Members

Build Galveston will assemble, leverage, and utilize resources to strengthen our community's social, physical, and economic environments by using Vision Galveston's Strategic Framework in a collaborative model to provide the greatest impact. The organization is governed by an independent board of directors representing the diverse interests and priorities of the people of Galveston.

Betty Massey

Executive Director / The Mary Moody Northen Endowment

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Brian Maxwell

City Manager / Galveston

Cate Black

Principal & Founder / RISE Architecture & Design

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Cornelia Harris Banks

Community Advocate


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Dwayne Jones

Executive Director / Galveston Historical Foundation

Ingrid Gonzalez

Owner / Inside Galveston

Marshall Tyndall

Community Development Consultant / NeighborWorks America

Megan Jones

Associate / Mills Shirley LLP

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Pierre Banks

Senior Director of Admissions and Recruitment / University of Texas Medical Branch

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Pastor Shirlyn Thomas

Paula Tobon

Executive Director of St. Vincent’s House

Vincent Lorefice

General Manager of Parks, Galveston

Christine Bryant, CEcd

CEO Vision Galveston

Bix Rathburn

Director/ Investment Banking Hilltop Securities

Chris Basilotto

Owner & Founder/ 103rd Street Development

Keath Jacoby

Marketing & Branding Executive/ Hotel Lucine